Computed tomography reconstruction algorithms

  • What are algorithms in CT?

    A mathematical filter such as a bone or soft tissue algorithm is included into the CT reconstruction process to enhance resolution of a particular anatomical region of interest.
    A logarithm is the exponent to which the base must be raised to produce a given number..

  • What are the reconstruction techniques in CT?

    CT makes use of filtered back projection reconstruction techniques, whereby each projection is convolved with a "filter", and then back projected.
    When this procedure is performed for all 1000 or so projections, it is possible to achieve a perfect reconstruction of the scanned object..

  • What is a CT reconstruction algorithm?

    Image reconstruction in CT is a mathematical process that generates tomographic images from X-ray projection data acquired at many different angles around the patient.
    Image reconstruction has fundamental impacts on image quality and therefore on radiation dose..

  • What is the most common reconstruction algorithm used in CT?

    FIGURE 2.2.
    Illustration of the Fourier slice theorem.
    With the Fourier slice theorem one of the most commonly used reconstruction algorithms—the filtered back-projection (FBP) method—can be elegantly derived.Oct 7, 2018.

  • What is the traditional method used to reconstruct CT images?

    Originally, CT images were reconstructed with an iterative method called algebraic reconstruction technique (ART) [12].
    Due to lack of computational power, this technique was quickly replaced by simple analytic methods such as filtered back projection (FBP).Oct 30, 2018.

  • A mathematical filter such as a bone or soft tissue algorithm is included into the CT reconstruction process to enhance resolution of a particular anatomical region of interest.
    A logarithm is the exponent to which the base must be raised to produce a given number.
  • Image reconstruction usually refers to the process of converting a hard-to-interpret set of data into an easier-to-interpret target image – where the target image represents some physical property that may be a proxy for function or form – and although tomography is a good example, it is only one example.
  • Originally, CT images were reconstructed with an iterative method called algebraic reconstruction technique (ART) [12].
    Due to lack of computational power, this technique was quickly replaced by simple analytic methods such as filtered back projection (FBP).Oct 30, 2018
  • The mathematical theory behind computed tomographic reconstruction dates back to 1917 with the invention of the Radon transform by Austrian mathematician Johann Radon, who showed mathematically that a function could be reconstructed from an infinite set of its projections.
Image reconstruction in CT is a mathematical process that generates tomographic images from X-ray projection data acquired at many different angles around the 
The most commonly used analytical reconstruction methods on commercial CT scanners are all in the form of filtered backprojection (FBP), which uses a 1D filter 


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