Explain how computer-aided design applications works give and examples

  • Computer-aided design examples

    Using .

    1. D CAD or graphics software these machines can draw or cut
    2. D shapes on paper, card or self-adhesive vinyl sheets.
    3. Using .
    4. D CAD or graphics software these machines can cut or engrave a wide variety of materials such as card, plywood, acrylic sheet, textiles, glass

  • What is computer-aided design CAD and how has it changed the work place?

    As its name implies, CAD involves the use of computers to develop, modify, and optimize designs.
    This method has replaced what were once manual design and drafting processes.
    Today, manufacturers can utilize computer-aided design to create more detailed, accurate, and efficient representations of products.Nov 28, 2022.

  • What is computer-aided design explain and give an example?

    Engineers use CAD for creating designs and technical drawings of machinery, systems, and infrastructure.
    For example, CAD is employed in designing automotive parts, bridges, tunnels, and even in aerospace technology for designing aircraft and space vehicles.Jun 8, 2023.


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