Computer applications class 11

  • What is application software class 11th?

    Application software (App) is a kind of software that performs specific functions for the end user by interacting directly with it.
    The sole purpose of application software is to aid the user in doing specified tasks..

  • A programme is a collection of instructions that instructs the device on how to operate.
    Those instructions are written in computer-readable code.
    Logic and the input-process-output concept are at the heart of all software.
    Software requires information to function, i.e. input.
  • Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user and processes these data under the control of set of instructions (called program) and gives the result (output) and saves output for the future use.
  • Hey buddy, As there are 4 units in 11th class computer including 38 chapters.
    Hope it helps.
  • The sole purpose of application software is to aid the user in doing specified tasks.
    Web browsers like Firefox, and Google Chrome, as well as Microsoft Word and Excel, are examples of application software that is used on a personal computer or laptop.
Apr 9, 2019If you pursue PCM then surely you are going to some science and technical field.You can learn programming and can make awesome websites and 
Nov 13, 2021Computer applications is a course that teaches students how to design, use, and manage computer systems. The curriculum includes courses on 
Modern Computer Application (COMA) – Class XI. (Detailed Syllabus). A. Brief Review of Computer Systems. (30 Marks) i) Evolution of Computers and Computer 


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