Computer applications excel quizlet

  • What are uses for Excel quizlet?

    its uses is to perform the calculation, analysis, and visualization of data and information..

  • What is an Excel application quizlet?

    Microsoft Excel is an electronic spreadsheet application that enables users to store, organize, calculate and manipulate the data with formulas using a spreadsheet system broken up by rows and columns..

  • What is the purpose of Microsoft Excel quizlet?

    Microsoft Excel is an electronic spreadsheet application that enables users to store, organize, calculate and manipulate the data with formulas using a spreadsheet system broken up by rows and columns..

  • What is worksheet in Excel?

    A worksheet (also known as a spreadsheet) consists of cells in which you can enter and calculate data.
    The cells are organized into columns and rows.
    A worksheet is always stored in a workbook.
    A workbook can contain many worksheeks.
    Think of it as a book..

  • Which is a benefit of using a table in Excel quizlet?

    Advantages of the Excel table include which of the following? You can insert more than one table in the same worksheet & Data can be managed in the table rows and columns independently from the data in other rows and columns on the worksheet..

  • Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) Excel is a spreadsheet software application used to store, organize, and analyze data.


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