Computer programs examples

  • How computer programs are written?

    When you create a program, you write it using some kind of computer language.
    Your language statements are the source program.
    You then compile the source program with a special program called a language compiler, and the result is called an object program -- not to be confused with object-oriented programming..

  • Software examples

    10 Software Examples

    macOS.Microsoft Defender.Linux.Windows 11.Windows Disk Cleanup.Google Drive.Todoist.Asana..

  • Software examples

    Examples of System Software

    Windows OS.
    The Windows Operating System has been one of the most common and widely used operating systems since its inception. Mac OS.
    The Mac OS comes second to the Windows OS in market shares. Chrome OS. Ubuntu. Android OS. iOS. Blackberry. PlayStation System Software..

  • Software examples

    Popular Computer Programs

    Adobe Creative Cloud Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.)Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.)SAS (Systems Analysis System)Maple (statistical package)Solid Works (solid model design)Autodesk (AutoCAD)Jetbrains Pycharm (computer programming)JAWS (computer screen reader).

  • What are 5 examples of system programs?

    Examples of System Software

    Windows OS.
    The Windows Operating System has been one of the most common and widely used operating systems since its inception. Mac OS.
    The Mac OS comes second to the Windows OS in market shares. Chrome OS. Ubuntu. Android OS. iOS. Blackberry. PlayStation System Software..

  • What are programs with example?

    As a noun, a program, also called an application or software, is a set of instructions that process input, manipulate data, and output a result.
    For example, Microsoft Word is a word processing program that allows users to create and write documents..

  • What are programs with example?

    Some common examples of software include Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Reader, Google Chrome, Gmail, Powerpoint, VLC, and many other similar computer programs that we often use in our daily life..

  • What are some programs in computer?

    As a noun, a program, also called an application or software, is a set of instructions that process input, manipulate data, and output a result.
    For example, Microsoft Word is a word processing program that allows users to create and write documents..

  • What is a common computer program?

    Examples of System Software

    Windows OS.
    The Windows Operating System has been one of the most common and widely used operating systems since its inception. Mac OS.
    The Mac OS comes second to the Windows OS in market shares. Chrome OS. Ubuntu. Android OS. iOS. Blackberry. PlayStation System Software..

  • What is the example of computer program?

    MS Word, MS Excel, Adobe Photoshop, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc., are examples of computer programs.
    Computer programs are being used to develop graphics and special effects in movie making..

Computer Software Examples
  • Operating systems (such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS)
  • Productivity Software (for example, Microsoft Office Suite including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)
  • Internet Browsers (including Firefox, Chrome, and Safari)
MS Word, MS Excel, Adobe Photoshop, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc., are examples of computer programs. Computer programs are being used to develop graphics and special effects in movie making. Computer programs are being used to perform Ultrasounds, X-Rays, and other medical examinations.
Practical Examples of Computer Programmes
  • Email services such as Gmail, Hotmail, etc.
  • Word processing software like MS Word, Google Docs, etc.
  • Social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
  • Online banking apps.
  • Weather forecasting software.
Types of computer programs
  • Internet browser. An Internet browser is a program that you can use to access different web pages, such as search engines or a company website.
  • Word processor.
  • Teleconferencing software.
  • Digital spreadsheets.
  • Project management tools.


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