Computer applications for learning disability

  • How computers help people with disabilities?

    Speech-recognition programs
    A speech recognition program works in conjunction with a word processor.
    The user “dictates” into a microphone, and his spoken words appear on the computer screen as text.
    This can help a user whose oral language. ability is better than his writing skills..

  • How do computers help people with disabilities?

    Special software can further aid those with mobility impairments.
    Abbreviation expansion (macro) and word prediction software can reduce input demands for commonly-used text and keyboard commands.
    For example, word prediction software anticipates entire words after several keystrokes and increases input speed..

  • How to use technology to help students with learning disabilities?

    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) supports the inclusion in education of children with disabilities by enabling them to overcome some of the barriers causing their exclusion.
    ICT complements other face-to- face methods and tools, such as teacher training and inclusive pedagogy..

  • How to use technology to help students with learning disabilities?

    Speech-recognition programs
    A speech recognition program works in conjunction with a word processor.
    The user “dictates” into a microphone, and his spoken words appear on the computer screen as text.
    This can help a user whose oral language. ability is better than his writing skills..

  • What software is available for people with disabilities?

    22 Apps for Disabled People

    Voice4u AAC.
    This Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app provides a picture-based communication system for people with speech challenges. Proloquo.
    1. Go
    2. . Be My Eyes. FuelService. Subtitles Viewer. Access Now. CoughDrop. Speak for Yourself.

  • What software is available for people with disabilities?

    As word processors have replaced typewriters, electronic spreadsheets have replaced handwritten books, and on-line services have supplemented telephone and written communication, disabled students and employees who have computer access have become capable of handling a wider range of activities independently..

  • In fact, research has shown that AT can improve certain skill deficits (e.g., reading and spelling).
    AT can increase a child's self-reliance and sense of independence.
    Kids who struggle in school are often overly dependent on parents, siblings, friends and teachers for help with assignments.
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) supports the inclusion in education of children with disabilities by enabling them to overcome some of the barriers causing their exclusion.
    ICT complements other face-to- face methods and tools, such as teacher training and inclusive pedagogy.
What are specific computer applications that can assist students with learning disabilities?Word ProcessorsReading SystemsConcept MappingPhonetic 


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