Computer program offset

  • What is offset in compiler design?

    In computer science, offset describes the location of a piece of data compared to another location.
    For example, when a program is accessing an array of bytes , the fifth byte is offset from the beginning of the array by four bytes.Jul 21, 2017.

  • What is offset in processing?

    An offset describes how much of any data you would like to skip in a list before you begin some form of processing..

  • What is offset in program counter?

    An offset branch is a branch where a value is added (or subtracted) to the current PC value to produce the new value.
    This is typically used in systems where the PC value is larger then a register value or an immediate value, and it is not possible to load a complete value into the PC..

  • What is offset location?

    In computer engineering and low-level programming (such as assembly language), an offset usually denotes the number of address locations added to a base address in order to get to a specific absolute address..

  • What is offset with example?

    An offset involves assuming an opposite position in relation to an original opening position in the securities markets.
    For example, if you are long 100 shares of XYZ, selling 100 shares of XYZ would be the offsetting position..

  • What is the offset of a file system?

    An offset into a file is simply the character location within that file, usually starting with 0; thus "offset 240" is actually the 241st byte in the file.
    See relative address. (.

    1. In word processing, the amount of space a document is printed from the left margin

  • What is the offset of a memory location?

    Offset is the displacement of the memory location from the starting location of the segment.
    The 8086 addresses a segmented memory.
    The complete physical address which is 20-bits long is generated using segment and offset registers each of the size 16-bit..

  • An offset branch is a branch where a value is added (or subtracted) to the current PC value to produce the new value.
    This is typically used in systems where the PC value is larger then a register value or an immediate value, and it is not possible to load a complete value into the PC.
  • An offset into a file is simply the character location within that file, usually starting with 0; thus "offset 240" is actually the 241st byte in the file.
    See relative address. (.
    1. In word processing, the amount of space a document is printed from the left margin
  • An offset involves assuming an opposite position in relation to an original opening position in the securities markets.
    For example, if you are long 100 shares of XYZ, selling 100 shares of XYZ would be the offsetting position.
  • Definition.
    An offset describes how much of any data you would like to skip in a list before you begin some form of processing.
  • In computer science, offset describes the location of a piece of data compared to another location.
    For example, when a program is accessing an array of bytes , the fifth byte is offset from the beginning of the array by four bytes.Jul 21, 2017
In computer engineering and low-level programming (such as assembly language), an offset usually denotes the number of address locations added to a base address in order to get to a specific absolute address.
In computer engineering and low-level programming (such as assembly language), an offset usually denotes the number of address locations added to a base address in order to get to a specific absolute address.
In computer science, offset describes the location of a piece of data compared to another location. For example, when a program is accessing an array of bytes, the fifth byte is offset by four bytes from the array's beginning.
Offset is significant especially in the context of locating a piece of information in your dataset. Simply put, offset is a way to refer to a location from a particular reference point, either the beginning of a file, the beginning of a sector, or the beginning of an entire drive, by specifying their distance in bytes.
Simply put, offset is a way to refer to a location from a particular reference point, either the beginning of a file, the beginning of a sector, or the beginning of an entire drive, by specifying their distance in bytes. Basically, that's it.

Integer indicating the distance from an object's start to a specific element in it

In computer science, an offset within an array or other data structure object is an integer indicating the distance (displacement) between the beginning of the object and a given element or point, presumably within the same object.
The concept of a distance is valid only if all elements of the object are of the same size.

Data structure in DOS

The Program Segment Prefix (PSP) is a data structure used in DOS systems to store the state of a program.
It resembles the Zero Page in the CP/M operating system.
The PSP has the following structure:


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