Computer architecture and organization lab manual

  • What are instructions in computer organization and architecture?

    A computer instruction refers to a binary code that controls how a computer performs micro-operations in a series.
    They, together with the information, are saved in the memory.
    Every computer has its own set of instructions.
    Operation codes or Opcodes and Addresses are the two elements that they are divided into..

  • What is the instruction cycle in COA?

    Ans : The instruction cycle consists of four phases: fetching an instruction from memory, decoding the fetched instruction, reading the address from memory, and finally, instruction execution.
    The computer processor carries it out..

  • Computer Architecture is a functional description of the design implementation and requirements of different components of a computer, while Computer Organization provides information about the linking of different operational attributes of the computer system.
LAB MANUAL. Subject Code: KCS-352. Subject Name: Computer Organization & Architecture. Page 2. INDEX. S.No. Contents. Page No. 1 Institute Vision and Mission. 3.
THEORY: The basic logic gates are the building blocks of more complex logic circuits. These logic gates perform the basic Boolean functions, such as AND, 


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