Computer architecture and organization definition

  • Types of computer architecture

    computer organisation is a field which explains about structure and behaviour of digital computers . its main objective is to make us understand the over all computer hardware structure and all its peripheral devices . it tells us how all the units in the system are arranged and interconnected to eachother..

  • What is the meaning of computer organization?

    computer organisation is a field which explains about structure and behaviour of digital computers . its main objective is to make us understand the over all computer hardware structure and all its peripheral devices . it tells us how all the units in the system are arranged and interconnected to eachother..

  • Computer Organization and Architecture is the study of internal working, structuring, and implementation of a computer system.
    Architecture in the computer system, same as anywhere else, refers to the externally visual attributes of the system.Jan 30, 2023
Computer Architecture is concerned with the way hardware components are connected together to form a computer system. Computer Organization is concerned with the structure and behaviour of a computer system as seen by the user.
Computer Organization. Computer Architecture is concerned with the way hardware components are connected together to form a computer system. Computer Organization is concerned with the structure and behaviour of a computer system as seen by the user. It acts as the interface between hardware and software.


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