Architecture computer

  • Types of computer architecture

    The CPU is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations.
    Understanding the architecture of the CPU is crucial for anyone interested in computer science, as it provides insight into how a computer processes data..

  • Types of computer architecture

    Von Neumann architecture - Named after mathematician and computer scientist John von Neumann, this features a single memory space for both data and instructions, which are fetched and executed sequentially.Aug 17, 2023.

  • What is the architecture of a computer?

    Computer architecture is the organisation of the components which make up a computer system and the meaning of the operations which guide its function.
    It defines what is seen on the machine interface, which is targeted by programming languages and their compilers.Aug 26, 2021.

  • What is the PC in computer architecture?

    The program counter (PC) is a register that manages the memory address of the instruction to be executed next.
    The address specified by the PC will be + n (+1 for a 1-word instruction and +2 for a 2-word instruction) each time one instruction is executed..

  • Who is the basic architecture of computer?

    Answer: D) John Von Neumann..

Computer architecture is concerned with balancing the performance, efficiency, cost, and reliability of a computer system. The case of instruction set  Category:Computer MicroarchitectureLogic synthesisProcessor design
In computer engineering, computer architecture is a description of the structure of a computer system made from component parts. It can sometimes be a  Category:Computer MicroarchitectureLogic synthesisProcessor design


Computer architecture book pdf
Computer architecture exception
Computer architecture exception handler
Computer architecture in operating system
Computer architecture instruction cycle
Computer architecture instructions
Computer architecture in assembly language
Computer architecture and organization in hindi
What is the architecture of a computer system
Explain computer network architecture
Computer networks and architecture
Computer architecture of a system
Computer architecture offset
Computer architecture of network
Computer architecture of decoder
Computer architecture of a ram
Computer architecture of interrupt
Computer architecture of meaning
Computer architecture types of addressing modes
Computer architecture types of data