Computer architecture with assembler

  • What is computer architecture and assembly?

    Computer architecture is the organisation of the components which make up a computer system and the meaning of the operations which guide its function.
    It defines what is seen on the machine interface, which is targeted by programming languages and their compilers..

  • Where are assemblers used?

    In modern programming, assembly language is most often used for direct hardware manipulation, access to specialized processor instructions, or to solve critical performance issues.
    More specifically, some common uses include device drivers, low-level embedded systems, and real-time systems..

  • Why do we use assemblers?

    Despite its challenges, assembly language remains important for systems programming and low-level software development.
    Since it provides direct access to hardware resources and allows for highly optimized code, it is often used in applications such as embedded systems or device drivers..

  • Assembly Language is a set of mnemonic languages with a 1 to 1 logical mapping of instructions to the machine code of various architectures.
    Assembly is usually used when the programming task is small and local, as it has very little modularity and is platform-dependent, unlike higher-level languages.

Vacuum tube computer built by Iowa State College

The Cyclone is a vacuum-tube computer, built by Iowa State College at Ames, Iowa.
The computer was commissioned in July 1959.
It was based on the IAS architecture developed by John von Neumann.
The Cyclone was based on ILLIAC, the University of Illinois Automatic Computer.
The Cyclone used 40-bit words, used two 20-bit instructions per word, and each instruction had an eight-bit op-code and a 12-bit operand or address field.
In general IAS-based computers were not code compatible with each other, although originally math routines which ran on the ILLIAC would also run on the Cyclone.


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