Computer architecture families

  • Most common instruction set architectures

    computer family A group of (digital) computers that are either successive generations of a particular computer system or versions of a single generation that differ in cost, speed, and/or optional features.
    They will tend to have similar but perhaps not identical architectures..

  • Most common instruction set architectures

    The four main parts of a computer which ensure the users can access a wide variety of tools and services include the central processing unit, or CPU, the motherboard, the hard drive, and random access memory, or RAM.
    The four basic functions of a computer system : input, output, processing and storage..

  • What is the family of computer architecture?

    A computer family is a category of computers with similar designs and microprocessors that are compatible.
    While not all computer families have successive generations, they do share the same architecture.
    Examples of different computer families are the IBM or PC family versus the Apple or Mac family of computers.Dec 31, 2022.

  • What is the meaning of family in computer?

    computer family A group of (digital) computers that are either successive generations of a particular computer system or versions of a single generation that differ in cost, speed, and/or optional features.
    They will tend to have similar but perhaps not identical architectures..

A Computer Organization is a functional view of a computer in the computer architecture where: Hardware components are presented as boxes with input and outputĀ 
Computer Architecture is a set of three components that describe: the functionality: Instruction Set Architecture design (highest-level) - runtime thatĀ 


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