Computer communication systems

  • Types of communication in Computer Network

    The Internet makes electronic communication possible.
    Examples of electronic communication controlled by the Internet include email, the World Wide Web, file transfer and remote login among others.
    Intranet: An Intranet is a system of interconnected computers within a single institution or organization..

  • Types of computer communication

    Advantages of Communication Technology

    Speed and time.
    It is possible to save both time and money through internet communication. Instantaneous and Efficient. Allow Remote Communication. Elimination of Wires and Cables. Mass Communication. Reduced Costs and Time. Expansion of coverage areas..

  • Types of computer communication

    Computer networks extend interpersonal communications by electronic means with various technologies, such as email, instant messaging, online chat, voice and video telephone calls, and video conferencing.
    A network allows sharing of network and computing resources..

  • What are the types of computer communication?

    There are many methods of communication available to those on modern computers, given a connection to the Internet.
    Most common is email, short for "electronic mail," but there are also SMS chat, IRC chat, video chat, VoIP phones, social networks, discussion forums and newsgroups..

  • What is communication system in computer networks?

    The communication system is a system model that describes a communication exchange between two stations, transmitter, and receiver.
    Signals or information passes from source to destination through a channel.
    It represents a way in which the signal uses it to move from a source toward its destination..


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