Computer engineering quiz trivia

  • How is computer engineering interesting?

    Engaging work that requires creative problem-solving skills
    They collaborate with others to understand their needs and use their research and design skills for innovation.
    Computer engineers passionate about creative design may enjoy the technical challenges they face in their daily work..

  • What are the facts about computer engineers?

    Questions about experience and background

    How long have you been working in computer engineering?What credentials do you have?What do you enjoy most about computer engineering?Do you have a particular specialty?What were some of your responsibilities in your previous role?.

  • What are the facts about computer engineers?

    Computer hardware engineers accounted for 76,900 computer engineering positions in 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
    Computer engineering professionals gain access to high-paying roles.
    According to the BLS, computer hardware engineers earn a median annual salary of $128,170..

  • Which country has most computer engineering?

    Charles Babbage KH FRS (/ˈb\xe6bɪdʒ/; 26 December 1791 – 18 October 1871) was an English polymath.
    A mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer, Babbage originated the concept of a digital programmable computer.
    Babbage is considered by some to be "father of the computer"..

  • Who are the 5 greatest computer engineers of all time?

    Top 10 most famous computer programmers of all time

    Bill Gates. Steve Jobs. Linus Torvalds. Mark Zuckerberg. Guido van Rossum. Bjarne Stroustrup. Tim Berners-Lee. Dennis Ritchie.
    American computer scientist Dennis Ritchie was instrumental in creating the Unix operating system and the C programming language..

  • Who are the 5 greatest computer engineers of all time?

    The correct answer is ​Charles Babbage.
    He was an English polymath, is often thought of as the man who invented computers..

  • Who was the first computer engineer?

    Computer hardware engineers accounted for 76,900 computer engineering positions in 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
    Computer engineering professionals gain access to high-paying roles.
    According to the BLS, computer hardware engineers earn a median annual salary of $128,170..

  • Computer hardware engineers accounted for 76,900 computer engineering positions in 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
    Computer engineering professionals gain access to high-paying roles.
    According to the BLS, computer hardware engineers earn a median annual salary of $128,170.

Do you need a trivia quiz to be an engineer?

However, it's important to read those books extensively to gain a sufficient amount of knowledge to be an engineer

With an engineering trivia quiz, you get a chance to revise your study and better your understanding of the basics and fundamentals of engineering

These engineering quizzes will also be useful for your test practice

What are some examples of computer trivia questions?

Here are some examples of computer trivia questions you might come across: Who invented the first computer? What is the most common operating system? What was the name of the first computer virus? What is the name of the first search engine? These questions cover a wide range of computer history, technology and innovations


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