Computer graphics tutorialspoint

  • Features of computer graphics

    Raster graphics represents images by bitmaps stored in computer memory and displayed on a screen composed of tiny pixels.
    Each pixel is represented by one or more memory bits.
    One bit per pixel suffices for black-and-white images, while four bits per pixel specify a 16-step gray-scale image..

  • What is the four types of computer graphics?

    Computer-generated imagery can be categorized into several different types: two dimensional (.

    1. D), three dimensional (
    2. D), and animated graphics.
    3. As technology has improved, .
    4. D computer graphics have become more common, but
    5. D computer graphics are still widely used

This tutorial has been prepared for students who don't know how graphics are used in computers. It explains the basics of graphics and how they are implemented  Computer Graphics BasicsQuick GuideComputer AnimationPDF Version


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