Computer science overhead meaning

  • What does overhead mean in networking?

    Generally, in computing, overhead means any excess usage of computing resources, such as processing, memory, or bandwidth.
    In our specific case, overhead is the extra memory required for supplemental information that enables the transmission of a given message from an origin to a destination..

  • What is the data overhead?

    Overhead data is data used for purposes such as addressing, congestion management, error control, priority indication, and routing calls, blocks, frames, packets, and cells containing payload..

  • What is the term overhead?

    Overhead refers to the ongoing costs to operate a business but excludes the direct costs associated with creating a product or service.
    Overhead costs can be fixed, variable, or a hybrid of both..

  • CPU overhead measures the amount of work a computer's central processing unit can perform and the percentage of that capacity that's used by individual computing tasks.
  • In engineering, some methods or components make special demands on the system.
    The extra design features necessary to meet these demands are called overhead.
In computer science, overhead is any combination of excess or indirect computation time, memory, bandwidth, or other resources that are required to perform a specific task. It is a special case of engineering overhead. Wikipedia


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