Computer science naming things

  • How do you give a name in programming?

    Make sure that a name is not:

    1too specific. overspecifying/leaking implementation. too long or consisting of too many words to read at a glance.2too ambiguous. expressing a too generic concept. 3incorrect, i.e. expressing the wrong concept.4inconsistent, i.e. expressing an already-named concept using a different name..

  • How do you name things in Computer Science?

    Use singular names
    This applies to everything you name in programming.
    Like variable, function, method, class, table etc.
    At first it might sound a bit weird.
    But stick to it for a while, you will see that it's easier to remember names..

  • What are the naming conventions in computer science?

    Naming convention
    It may be camelCase , PascalCase , snake_case , or anything else, as long as it remains consistent.
    Many programming languages have their own traditions regarding naming conventions; check the documentation for your language or study some popular repositories on Github.

  • Why is naming important in code?

    Maintainability and Debugging: Well-named variables facilitate code maintenance and debugging.
    If you or someone else needs to modify or fix a piece of code, having meaningful variable names makes it easier to identify which variables are involved and their purpose..

  • Names are one of the most powerful tools you have for communicating your code's intent to those who read your code (including yourself, in the future).
    It's critically important to choose meaningful names.
  • Reasons for using a naming convention (as opposed to allowing programmers to choose any character sequence) include the following: To reduce the effort needed to read and understand source code; To enable code reviews to focus on issues more important than syntax and naming standards.
Jul 14, 2009There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. -- Phil Karlton. Long a favorite saying of mineĀ 


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