Computer graphics billboard

  • What is a billboard in computer graphics?

    Noun. billboarding (uncountable) (computer graphics) A technique in three-dimensional graphics in which a sprite is rendered perpendicular to the camera without respect to camera movement..

  • What is a billboard in video games?

    A billboard within your game is always orientated to face the camera.
    As the camera moves the object is orientated to face the camera.
    The same theory can also be applied to cause an object to always face another object within your game.
    For example a head can be made to follow another object in your game..

  • What is a billboard texture?

    A billboard is a textured polygon (usually a quad) used for drawing impostors, particles and other effects.
    The difference to a regular polygon is that the billboard can be automatically oriented during rendering..

  • What is billboard graphics?

    Billboard graphic design is a type of large format graphic design.
    Billboard graphics are designed to catch a person's attention and create a memorable impression in minutes while traveling from one destination to another..

  • What is billboarding in computer graphics?

    Noun. billboarding (uncountable) (computer graphics) A technique in three-dimensional graphics in which a sprite is rendered perpendicular to the camera without respect to camera movement..

  • What is the billboarding technique?

    Billboarding is a technique that adjusts an object's orientation so that it "faces" some target, usually the camera.
    The word faces is in quotes since it can have several meanings, as the tutorial will show.
    This technique is quite popular in games and applications that require a large number of polygons..

  • What is the technique of billboarding?

    Billboarding is a technique that adjusts an object's orientation so that it "faces" some target, usually the camera.
    The word faces is in quotes since it can have several meanings, as the tutorial will show.
    This technique is quite popular in games and applications that require a large number of polygons..

  • A billboard is a textured polygon (usually a quad) used for drawing impostors, particles and other effects.
    The difference to a regular polygon is that the billboard can be automatically oriented during rendering.
  • Billboards are .
    1. D elements incrusted in a
    2. D world.
    3. Not a .
    4. D menu on top of everything else; not a
    5. D plane around which you can turn; but something in-between, like health bars in many games
  • Billboards are a level-of-detail (LOD) method for drawing complicated .
    1. D Meshes in a simpler way when they are far away from the Camera.
    2. The output is either drawn to the screen or captured as a texture.
      More info.
Billboards are 2D elements incrusted in a 3D world. Not a 2D menu on top of everything else; not a 3D plane around which you can turn; but something in-between, 
In computer graphics, billboards are textured rectangles that are transformed such that they always appear parallel to the view plane. Thus, they are similar to billboards along highways in that they are rotated for best visibility.
Computer graphics billboard
Computer graphics billboard

Topics referred to by the same term

Billboard is a large outdoor sign usually used for advertising.


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