Computer graphics and multimedia pdf

  • Features of computer graphics

    By definition Multimedia is a representation of information in an attractive and interactive manner with the use of a combination of text, audio, video, graphics and animation..

  • What are the 5 basic elements of multimedia?

    There are five basic elements of multimedia: text, images, audio, video and animation.
    Example - Text in fax, Photographic images, Geographic information system maps, Voice commands, Audio messages, Music, Graphics, Moving graphics animation, Full-motion stored and live video, Holographic images..

  • What is multimedia in computer PDF?

    Definition of Multimedia
    In other words we can say that Multimedia is a computerized method of presenting information combining textual data, audio, visuals (video), graphics and animations.
    For examples: E-Mail, Yahoo Messenger, Video Conferencing, and Multimedia Message Service (MMS)..

  • What is multimedia text and graphics?

    Elements of Multimedia
    Text - characters that are used to create words, sentences, and paragraphs.
    Graphics - A digital representation of nontext information, such as a drawing, chart, or photograph.
    Animation - Flipping through a series of still images.
    It is a series of graphics that create an illusion of motion..

  • Why is multimedia graphics important?

    Graphics are an important part of multimedia because humans are visually oriented.
    Images including photographs, illustrations, drawings, clip art, icons or any other non-text elements on a website or in social media are an example of graphics.
    There is no movement in these types of pictures..

  • Graphics software provides users with a wide range of tools to create, edit and manipulate images.
    It is often easy to use and can be used by people with little or no experience in image editing.
    It can be used to create images for a wide range of purposes, including web design, advertising, and printing.
  • Multimedia software is used for the recording and the playing of audio and video files.
    Multimedia finds its applications in various fields, such as art, education, engineering, entertainment and so on.


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