Computer graphics and visualization ppt

  • Computer graphics elements

    Images and graphics can enhance a presentation by helping your audience understand unfamiliar ideas, objects, or places.
    Some visual aids represent abstract information, like the results of a study or poll.
    Others represent real physical objects, like a road system or parts of an automobile..

  • Computer graphics elements

    In computer graphics we use a synthetic camera model to mimic the behaviour of a real camera.
    The image in a pinhole camera is inverted.
    The film plane is behind the lens.
    In the synthetic camera model we avoid the inversion by placing the film plane, called the projection plane, in front of the lens..

  • What is the difference between visualization and computer graphics?

    Graphics is used to describe the images generated from a computer, while rendering is about a .

    1. D or
    2. D image created from an application, and finally, visualization is often used to describe a graphical representation of a
    3. .
      1. D or
      2. D image

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