Computer graphics 2

  • Application of computer graphics

    There are two types of computer graphics: raster graphics, where each pixel is separately defined (as in a digital photograph), and vector graphics, where mathematical formulas are used to draw lines and shapes, which are then interpreted at the viewer's end to produce the graphic..

  • Features of computer graphics


    1. D graphics are widely used in animation and video games, providing a realistic, but flat, view of movement on the screen
    2. D graphics provide realistic depth that allows the viewer to see into spaces, notice the movement of light and shadows, and gain a fuller understanding of what's being shown

  • Features of computer graphics

    Drawing programs and .

    1. D CAD programs allow objects to be drawn on an X-Y scale as if they were drawn on paper.
    2. Although .
    3. D images can be drawn in
    4. D programs, their views are static.
    5. They can be scaled larger or smaller, but they cannot be rotated to different angles as with .
    6. D objects in
    7. D graphics programs

  • Why are 2D graphics used?


    1. D graphics are widely used in animation and video games, providing a realistic, but flat, view of movement on the screen
    2. D graphics provide realistic depth that allows the viewer to see into spaces, notice the movement of light and shadows, and gain a fuller understanding of what's being shown

Course Overview. The course Computer Graphics 2 builds on Computer Graphics 1 and is split into three parts. Advanced Modelling Surface representations areĀ 


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