Computer science and mathematics cegep

  • How are computer science and mathematics related?

    Because math is a foundational part of computer systems, every programmer and computer scientist needs to have basic mathematical knowledge.
    The type and level of math you need depends on what areas of computer science you want to work in.
    Some computer science career tracks require only minimal mathematical knowledge..

  • How hard is the math in computer science?

    If math isn't your favorite subject, you'll be relieved to hear that many roles in computer science rarely employ advanced math on a daily basis.
    However, you will need to deal with a fair amount of advanced math during your computer science studies, including calculus, algebra, discrete mathematics, and statistics..

  • How much math is needed for computer science?

    Computer science is a broad field, so if you're looking to get your computer science degree, the kind of math you'll need to know will depend on your specific program and career path.
    But generally speaking, most degree programs require a basic understanding of calculus, algebra, discrete mathematics, and statistics..

  • What is Bachelor of science in mathematics and computer?

    This program aims to produce graduates that are equipped with necessary mathematical tools for analyzing, modeling and solving physical, economical and real life problems in their complexity..

  • What is computer science and mathematics degree?

    The Mathematics and Computer Science undergraduate major is designed to prepare you for graduate study in various areas of computer science, including theoretical computer science, graphics, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and computational methods in applied mathematics..

  • What is the bachelor of math and computer science?

    This program aims to produce graduates that are equipped with necessary mathematical tools for analyzing, modeling and solving physical, economical and real life problems in their complexity..

  • What is the importance of mathematics in computer science?

    Math matters for computer science because it teaches students how to use abstract language, work with algorithms, self-analyze their computational thinking, and accurately modeling real-world solutions..

  • What is the relationship between mathematics and computer science?

    Because math is a foundational part of computer systems, every programmer and computer scientist needs to have basic mathematical knowledge.
    The type and level of math you need depends on what areas of computer science you want to work in.
    Some computer science career tracks require only minimal mathematical knowledge..

  • What type of math is in computer science?

    Computer science is a broad field, so if you're looking to get your computer science degree, the kind of math you'll need to know will depend on your specific program and career path.
    But generally speaking, most degree programs require a basic understanding of calculus, algebra, discrete mathematics, and statistics..

  • Why is a level maths needed for computer science?

    Mathematics and engineering contribute to the foundation of Computer Science.
    So some of the mathematical and engineering techniques are also used in Computer Science, such as: Probability & Statistics.
    Queueing theory..

  • Specific entry requirements vary considerably, depending on the focus of the course.
    For example, a very theoretical course may require A level Mathematics, whereas Business IT programmes would probably not ask for any science background beyond GCSE.
    Few courses specify A level Computing or equivalent.
  • The Mathematics and Computer Science double major provides a scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications.
    This track offers students the opportunity to study the theory, experimentation and engineering that form the basis of the design and use of today's computers.
Aim of the program. The Computer Science and Mathematics program is a pre-univeristy program intended for those who wish to pursue university studies in 
The Computer Science and Mathematics program is a pre-univeristy program intended for those who wish to pursue university studies in computer science, computer 


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