Computer integrated manufacturing seminar topics

  • What are the 9 elements of CIM?

    What is CIM and how does it work? In straightforward terms, CIM is the technique of using computers to control an entire production process.
    It's commonly used by factories to automate functions such as analysis, cost accounting, design, distribution, inventory control, planning and purchasing..

  • What are the 9 elements of the CIM?

    Major elements of a CIM system:

    The marketing division determines the necessity for a product. Product Design.
    The company's design section creates the basic database for the creation of a proposed product. Planning. Purchase. Manufacture. Automated Work Station. Warehousing. Finance..

  • What are the examples of computer integrated manufacturing?

    In CIM, this requires activities like CNC programming, simulation and computer aided scheduling of the production activity.
    This should include online dynamic scheduling and control based on the real time performance of the equipment and processes to assure continuous production activity..

  • What do you learn in computer integrated manufacturing?

    In straightforward terms, CIM is the technique of using computers to control an entire production process.
    It's commonly used by factories to automate functions such as analysis, cost accounting, design, distribution, inventory control, planning and purchasing..

  • What is the importance of CIM?

    Through the integration of computers, manufacturing can be faster and less error-prone.
    The main advantage of CIM is the ability to create automated manufacturing processes.
    Typically CIM relies on closed-loop control processes, based on real-time input from sensors..

  • Why do we need computer integrated manufacturing?

    Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is the manufacturing approach of using computers to control the entire production process.
    This integration allows individual processes to exchange information with each part.
    Manufacturing can be faster and less error-prone by the integration of computers..

  • In a CIM system functional areas such as design, analysis, planning, purchasing, cost accounting, inventory control, and distribution are linked through the computer with factory floor functions such as materials handling and management, providing direct control and monitoring of all the operation.
  • In CIM, this requires activities like CNC programming, simulation and computer aided scheduling of the production activity.
    This should include online dynamic scheduling and control based on the real time performance of the equipment and processes to assure continuous production activity.
  • The goal of CIM is to remove all the barriers between all the functions within an operation, to encourage marketing, order entry, accounting, design, manufacturing, quality control, shipping and all the other departments to work closely together throughout the process.
This document contains course outlines in computer-aided manufacturing The program focuses on technology issues that are critical to computer aided design 


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