Computer integrated manufacturing history timeline

  • A company-wide management philosophy for planning, integration, and implementation of automation.
    Joseph Harrington () Coined the term in 1974, used to integrate CAM and CAD machines into company wide automation in all aspects of business.
History of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is considered a natural evolution of the technology of CAD/CAM which by itself evolved by the integration 
Joseph Harrington's idea of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) was first presented in 1974 via a book titled Computer integrated Manufacturing, but it was 


Computer-aided manufacturing (cam)
Computer-aided manufacturing (cam) is used by companies to
Computer-aided manufacturing (cam) meaning
Computer aided manufacturing (cam) examples
Computer-aided-manufacturing (cam) today
Define computer-aided manufacturing (cam)
Definisi computer aided manufacturing (cam)
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Major changes in computer integrated manufacturing
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What is computer integrated manufacturing
Was ist computer integrated manufacturing
Objectives of computer integrated manufacturing