Man computer network example

  • 5 types of network

    MAN is a comparatively wider network that covers large regions- like towns, cities, etc.
    The WAN network spans to an even larger locality.
    It has the capacity to connect various countries together.
    For example, the Internet is a WAN..

  • Is the Internet an example of a MAN or a WAN?

    The Internet is an example of a worldwide public WAN..

  • Types of computer network

    Examples of MAN :

    Cable TV network.Used in government agencies.University campuses.Used in hospitals to connect multiple buildings..

  • Types of LAN

    Below mentioned are different types of networks:

    PAN (Personal Area Network)LAN (Local Area Network)MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)WAN (Wide Area Network).

  • What are LAN and MAN examples?

    The main purpose of a MAN is to connect different LANs in a city to share resources and exchange data, as well as to provide internet access to users.
    A MAN typically covers a geographic area of several kilometers and is larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN.
    MAN stands for Metropolitan Area Network..

  • What is a real world example of MAN network?

    Examples of a metropolitan area network
    CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, owns several buildings on a single piece of land in Geneva and connects them together with optical fiber into a campus area network or MAN.
    New York City provides free Wi-Fi access to all residents as a large single MAN..

  • What is an example of a MAN computer network?

    Examples of a MAN are part of the telephone company network that can provide a high-speed DSL line to the customer or the cable TV network in a city.Mar 14, 2023.

  • What is MAN and example?

    A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a computer network that connects computers within a metropolitan area, which could be a single large city, multiple cities and towns, or any given large area with multiple buildings.
    A MAN is larger than a local area network (LAN) but smaller than a wide area network (WAN)..

  • What is MAN and its example?

    A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a computer network that connects computers within a metropolitan area, which could be a single large city, multiple cities and towns, or any given large area with multiple buildings.
    A MAN is larger than a local area network (LAN) but smaller than a wide area network (WAN)..

  • What is MAN in networking with example?

    A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a computer network that connects computers within a metropolitan area, which could be a single large city, multiple cities and towns, or any given large area with multiple buildings.
    A MAN is larger than a local area network (LAN) but smaller than a wide area network (WAN)..

Mar 14, 2023Devices used for transmission of data through MAN are Modem and Wire/Cable. Examples of a MAN are part of the telephone company network that 
Examples of a MAN are part of the telephone company network that can provide a high-speed DSL line to the customer or the cable TV network in a city.
Man computer network example
Man computer network example

Type of computer network

A home network or home area network (HAN) is a type of computer network that facilitates communication among devices within the close vicinity of a home.
Devices capable of participating in this network, for example, smart devices such as network printers and handheld mobile computers, often gain enhanced emergent capabilities through their ability to interact.
These additional capabilities can be used to increase the quality of life inside the home in a variety of ways, such as automation of repetitive tasks, increased personal productivity, enhanced home security, and easier access to entertainment.


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