Computer networking projects download

  • Computer network assignment topics

    11 types of computer networks

    Local area network (LAN) Personal area network (PAN) Wireless local area network (WLAN) Campus area network (CAN) Metropolitan area network (MAN) Wide area network (WAN) Storage area network (SAN) Passive optical local area network (POLAN).

  • Computer network assignment topics


  • Computer network assignment topics

    The primary purpose of network devices is to transmit and receive data quickly and securely. "Network Devices" is a broad term that encompasses a range of communication equipment including hubs, switches, routers, bridges, gateways, load balancers, modems, repeaters, and more..

  • How do I install a computer network?

    7 Steps to Install a Network

    1. Evaluate Your Physical Space
    2. Evaluate Your Needs
    3. Develop a Network Design
    4. Measure Cabling and Count Hardware
    5. Build or Request An Estimate
    6. Configuration
    7. Ongoing Maintenance

  • What are the reasons for installing a network?

    3 Reasons You Need a Network Installation

    You have a lot of connected, or wireless, devices.
    If you have a smart home, or even just a lot of wireless devices, a strong network is a must. You live in a remote location. You use a lot of streaming services..

  • What is computer networking for project file?

    A computer network is a group of interconnected nodes or computing devices that exchange data and resources with each other.
    A network connection between these devices can be established using cable or wireless media..

Some of these networking projects are provided as ideas and some you can download source code as well. networking projects. What are Networking Projects? It can 
Welcome to our networking projects section of our website. We have collection of many projects on networking and network security projects which are best 

Type of inter-vehicle communication network

Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are created by applying the principles of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) – the spontaneous creation of a wireless network of mobile devices – to the domain of vehicles.
VANETs were first mentioned and introduced in 2001 under car-to-car ad-hoc mobile communication and networking applications, where networks can be formed and information can be relayed among cars.
It was shown that vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communications architectures will co-exist in VANETs to provide road safety, navigation, and other roadside services.
VANETs are a key part of the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) framework.
Sometimes, VANETs are referred as Intelligent Transportation Networks.
They are understood as having evolved into a broader Internet of vehicles. which itself is expected to ultimately evolve into an Internet of autonomous vehicles


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