Why are my computers on different networks

  • How do I get my computers on the same network?

    The conventional way to network two computers involves making a dedicated link by plugging one cable into the two systems.
    You may need an Ethernet crossover cable, a null modem serial cable or parallel peripheral cable, or special-purpose USB cables..

  • How do I stop my computer from connecting to a different network?


    1. Step 1: Open the Control Panel
    2. Step 2: Locate Your Network Connections
    3. Step 3: Open the Properties of Your Wi-Fi Adapter
    4. Step 3: Disable Connection Sharing

  • How do I stop my computer from connecting to other networks?


    1. Step 1: Open the Control Panel.
    2. Hold down the Windows key ( .
    3. Step 2: Locate Your Network Connections.
    4. In Control Panel click "Network and Sharing Center".
    5. Step 3: Open the Properties of Your Wi-Fi Adapter
    6. Step 3: Disable Connection Sharing

  • Why do I have multiple networks?

    You're showing us two service hosts, not necessarily two networks.
    Nevertheless, if you are using WiFi, virtually all modern routers have two networks: one runs on the 2.

    1. GHz frequency band and the other runs on the 5 GHz frequency band.
    2. You can choose to connect to either one.May 3, 2022

  • Why does my computer keep changing networks?

    Check if your device is auto-switching between two Wi-Fi networks.
    Your device may jump between known Wi-Fi networks, which you experience as a temporary loss of signal.
    When Wi-Fi signals are weak, your device may search for a stronger signal automatically..

  • Type the command "arp -a" to view the list of all IP addresses connected to your network.
    This will also display the MAC address and the allocation type (static and dynamic) of all your network devices.
    Type "nslookup" followed by any IP address obtained through the "arp" command in the previous step.
  • You're showing us two service hosts, not necessarily two networks.
    Nevertheless, if you are using WiFi, virtually all modern routers have two networks: one runs on the 2.
    1. GHz frequency band and the other runs on the 5 GHz frequency band.
    2. You can choose to connect to either one.May 3, 2022
Apr 3, 2020For most Windows users, the biggest cause of hidden PCs on a network is due to the network discovery settings on Windows. When this setting is 
May 3, 2022Initially I recommend that you try to reset the network settings; Press the "Win + I" keys together to open the Windows 10 "Settings" screen  1 router 2 computers 2 networks glitch - Microsoft CommunityWhy am I seeing 2 other computers in my Network?Can't see other Computer on Network - Microsoft CommunityHow do I access two separate networks from one win 10 pc?More results from answers.microsoft.com
May 3, 2022Nevertheless, if you are using WiFi, virtually all modern routers have two networks: one runs on the 2.4 GHz frequency band and the other runs  1 router 2 computers 2 networks glitch - Microsoft CommunityWhy am I seeing 2 other computers in my Network?Can't see other Computer on Network - Microsoft CommunityNetworking two computers with the same name (must be kept like that)More results from answers.microsoft.com
May 3, 2022Nevertheless, if you are using WiFi, virtually all modern routers have two networks: one runs on the 2.4 GHz frequency band and the other runs  Why do I have so many network connections? - Microsoft Community1 router 2 computers 2 networks glitch - Microsoft CommunityWhy am I seeing 2 other computers in my Network?Networked computers only one way - Microsoft CommunityMore results from answers.microsoft.com


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