Computer network ii

  • Important topics in networking

    LAN (Local Area Network) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network).

  • Types of network with Examples

    Six Steps to Becoming a Network Technician

    1. Pursue a Degree.
    2. You will need a Networking Technology Associate Degree for an entry-level position.
    3. Pursue Certification
    4. Get Additional Training and Hands-On Experience
    5. Update Your Resume and Network
    6. Get a Job
    7. Consider Further Education

  • Types of network with Examples

    LAN (Local Area Network) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network).

  • What is 2 type networking?

    Two basic network types are local-area networks (LANs) and wide-area networks (WANs).
    LANs connect computers and peripheral devices in a limited physical area, such as a business office, laboratory, or college campus, by means of links (wires, Ethernet cables, fibre optics, Wi-Fi) that transmit data rapidly..

A con- nectionless service is very simple, with only two basic interactions between the transport layer and the. Dept Of CSE,SJBIT. Page 8. Page 9. Computer 
Computer network ii
Computer network ii

First model of the second generation of the Apple Macintosh computer line

The Macintosh II is a personal computer designed, manufactured, and sold by Apple Computer from March 1987 to January 1990.
Based on the Motorola 68020 32-bit CPU, it is the first Macintosh supporting color graphics.
When introduced, a basic system with monitor and 20 MB hard drive cost US$5,498.
With a 13-inch color monitor and 8-bit display card the price was around
This placed it in competition with workstations from Silicon Graphics, Sun Microsystems, and Hewlett-Packard.


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