Computer networks mod apk

  • How is AI used in computer networks?

    The primary function of computer networks is to enable communication between devices.
    Networks provide a medium for transmitting data, whether it's text, audio, video, or other forms of information.
    They facilitate real-time conversations, file sharing, and collaborative work among users..

  • What is the benefit of computer networking?

    Advantages of computer networking
    File sharing - you can easily share data between different users, or access it remotely if you keep it on other connected devices.
    Resource sharing - using network-connected peripheral devices like printers, scanners and copiers, or sharing software between multiple users, saves money..

  • What is the process of connecting to a computer network?

    Answer: Using the Internet, computers connect and communicate with one another, primarily using the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).
    Think of TCP/IP as a book of rules, a step-by-step guide that each computer uses to know how to talk to another computer..

  • What is the use of computer network?

    How does AI transform networking? Using AI and ML, network analytics customizes the network baseline for alerts, reducing noise and false positives while enabling IT teams to accurately identify issues, trends, anomalies, and root causes..

  • Why do we need computer networks?

    Access to information: Networks provide access to information and data, which can be essential for businesses and individuals who need to access information quickly and efficiently.
    Networks also enable the sharing of information between individuals and groups, which can help to facilitate collaboration and innovation..

  • Disadvantages

    Purchasing the network cabling and file servers can be expensive.Managing a large network is complicated, requires training and a network manager usually needs to be employed.If the file server breaks down the files on the file server become inaccessible. Viruses.
  • A computer network facilitates interpersonal communications allowing users to communicate efficiently and easily via various means: email, instant messaging, chat rooms, telephone, video telephone calls, and video conferencing.


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