Computer programming quotes

  • What are 5 famous quotes?

    “Coding is the language of the future, and every girl should learn it.
    As I've learned from watching girls grow and learn in our classrooms, coding is fun, collaborative and creative.”.

  • What are 5 famous quotes?

    “Software and cathedrals are much the same; first we build them, then we pray.” by Anonymous. “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand.
    Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” by Martin Fowler. “Real programmers can write assembly code in any language.” by Larry Wall..

  • What are quotes in coding?

    In computer programming, quotes contain text or other data.
    For example, in the below print statement, what you're printing to the screen is often surrounded by quotes.
    If surrounded by a single quote instead of a double quote, the string is treated as a literal string in many languages..

  • What can you say about computer programming?

    Computer programming is the process of writing code to facilitate specific actions in a computer, application or software program, and instructs them on how to perform..

  • What is a famous quote about programmers?

    Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” by Martin Fowler. “Real programmers can write assembly code in any language.” by Larry Wall. “Good programmers use their brains, but good guidelines save us having to think out every case.” by Francis Glassborow. “Documentation is the castor oil of programming..

  • What is a famous quote about software?

    The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim.
    The best programs are written so that computing machines can perform them quickly and so that human beings can understand them clearly..

  • Why programming quotes?

    when you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.
    Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots..

Coding Quotes
  • Coding like poetry should be short and concise.
  • It's not a bug; it's an undocumented feature.
  • First, solve the problem.
  • Code is like humor.
  • Make it work, make it right, make it fast. –
  • Clean code always looks like it was written by someone who cares. —
  • Of course, bad code can be cleaned up.
Programmers Quotes
  • Programmers seem to be changing the world.
  • Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program. –
  • Programmer: A machine that turns coffee into code. –
  • When I wrote this code, only God and I understood what I did.
Rating 5.0 (2) Feb 23, 2022Software is like sex: it's better when it's free.If we want users to like our software, we should design it to behave like a likable person.Programming QuotesSoftware Development QuotesProgrammers Quotes
Epigrams on Programming is an article by Alan Perlis published in 1982, for ACM's SIGPLAN journal.
The epigrams are a series of short, programming-language-neutral, humorous statements about computers and programming, which are widely quoted.
Computer programming quotes
Computer programming quotes

Topics referred to by the same term

Quote is a clipped form of quotation or quotation mark.


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