Computer programming definition in your own words

  • How would you describe computer programs in your own words?

    A computer program is a sequence or set of instructions in a programming language for a computer to execute.
    It is one component of software, which also includes documentation and other intangible components..

  • What is computer programming in your own words?

    Computer programming is the process of designing and writing computer programs.
    As a skill set, it includes a wide variety of different tasks and techniques, but our tutorials are not intended to teach you everything..

  • What is computer programming in your own words?

    Definition of programming
    A computer program consists of code that is executed on a computer to perform particular tasks.
    This code is written by programmers.
    Programming is the process of giving machines a set of instructions that describe how a program should be carried out.Oct 8, 2021.

  • What is programming in simple words?

    Programming refers to a technological process for telling a computer which tasks to perform in order to solve problems.
    You can think of programming as a collaboration between humans and computers, in which humans create instructions for a computer to follow (code) in a language computers can understand.Jul 24, 2023.

  • What is programming in your own understanding?

    Programming is the mental process of thinking up instructions to give to a machine (like a computer).
    Coding is the process of transforming those ideas into a written language that a computer can understand..

  • What is programming on your own understanding?

    Programming is the mental process of thinking up instructions to give to a machine (like a computer).
    Coding is the process of transforming those ideas into a written language that a computer can understand..

  • What is the importance of programming in your own words?

    Importance of programming
    Programming is a powerful tool that empowers individuals to create solutions.
    By mastering programming languages, people can bring their ideas to life, develop software applications, and devise novel solutions to real-world challenges..


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