Computer program per se

  • Are computer programs patentable?

    Computer programs, including apps, use mathematical algorithms which are considered laws of nature.
    Laws of nature cannot be patented.
    Computer programs can be copyrighted.
    The operations that computer programs perform can often be patented..

  • Is computer program per se treated as a non invention?

    Section 3 of the Patent act, 1970 enlists non-patentable inventions or things which are not considered to be inventions and hence not patentable under the Indian regime.
    Patentability of 'Computer programmes per se', has been restricted according to 'section 3(k)' of the Patent Act.Feb 25, 2020.

  • What is computer program per se?

    Some argue that the expression per se implies that the patent cannot be claimed for the computer program alone.
    However, if the program is coupled with hardware then patent can be granted.
    This approach has been derived from the approach adopted by the US authorities in the late 1970's.Jul 3, 2019.

  • What is the meaning of software per se?

    As per the general dictionary meaning, “per se” means “by itself”.
    In other words, computer programme by itself is not patentable..

  • Why computer programs are not patentable?

    Computer programs, including apps, use mathematical algorithms which are considered laws of nature.
    Laws of nature cannot be patented..

  • A software patent is a patent that protects computer software.
    Software patents can cover a stand-alone computer software program, a mobile device app, or software that is integrated into a mechanical device.
    In order for software to be patentable, it must meet the same requirements of any other type of invention.
  • In order for software to be patentable, it must meet the same requirements of any other type of invention.
    In particular, a software invention must be new, useful, and non-obvious.
    A fourth requirement is that the invention be of a type that is eligible for patent protection.
  • With an aim to foster uniformity in the field of patents on computer related inventions, from time to time the Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade marks releases Manuals and Guidelines for Examination of Computer Related Inventions.
Jul 3, 2019Some argue that the expression per se implies that the patent cannot be claimed for the computer program alone. However, if the program is 
Jul 3, 2019Sometime back the software industry in the developing countries like India, China, Brazil etc, created very little new and valuable 
The Court opined that the term “per se” was added to make it clear that “computer programmes as such” were non-patentable but the intent of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 was to allow grant of patent to Computer Related Inventions ('CRIs') that involved a novel hardware component or provided a technical contribution


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