Computer science books reddit

  • Best computer science books for self study

    The world needs computer scientists.
    Computer programmes directly affect every aspect of our lives; we rely on computer scientists for this.
    Computer scientists theorise, design, develop and apply the software and hardware for technology most of us use every single day..

  • Best computer science books for self study

    Introduction to Comput.

  • How to study computer science books?

    If you have experience programming, it could be as easy as 4-5/10, but for most people, I think 7-8/10 is accurate.
    Significantly more difficult than a liberal arts degree, but not as difficult as electrical engineering or engineering physics.
    It's on the harder end of the spectrum..

  • What books to read for computer science reddit?

    Introduction to Comput.

  • What books to read for computer science reddit?

    Learning the discipline of Computer Science is a hard and difficult endeavor for most students.
    However, if you are willing to invest the time and learn serious time management skills, most students can successfully learn the discipline and pursue successful careers in Computer Science fields..

  • Cormen - Intro to algorithms.
  • Knuth - The art of computer programming.
  • Tanenbaum - Modern operating systems.
  • P. Pacheco - Introduction to parallel programming.
  • Kurose - Computer Networking.
  • K & R: The C Programming Language.
  • Hopcroft, Aho, & Ulman: Data Structures and Algorithms.
  • Aho, Ulman, & Sethi: Compilers (the dragon book)
  • Gamma, et al: Design Patterns.
  • Thomas & Hunt: The Pragmatic Programmer.


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