Computer science with year abroad

  • What are the benefits of studying abroad for a year?

    Five Benefits of Studying Abroad

    Expanded Cultural Awareness.
    First and foremost, studying abroad is a chance to immerse yourself in a foreign culture. Enhanced Academic Experience. Career Advancement. Additional Travel Opportunities. Enhanced Personal Growth..

  • Why is a year abroad important?

    IIE's Gaining an Employment Edge study found that over 70% of students reported that their study abroad experiences significantly helped develop their intercultural skills, flexibility and adaptability, self-awareness, curiosity, and confidence..

  • Our Computer Science with a Year in Industry BSc will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the field of computer-based information systems offering you opportunities to develop analytical and practical transferable skills, as well as an understanding of the changing role of Computer Science in society and
  • Our Computer Science with Study Abroad BSc degree enables you to combine analytical knowledge and technical skills as you research and develop software solutions to real-world problems.
    Your study abroad year will allow you to enhance your learning, develop your confidence and immerse yourself in a new culture.
  • The first two years of the course focus on programming, computer systems, artificial intelligence, databases, software engineering and logic.
    You will spend your third year studying abroad before returning to complete a final year with us.
This Computer Science with Study Abroad is a four-year Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree, we also offer a five-year Master of Science (MSci) degree version too.
This course provides a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of computer science. There are extensive opportunities to specialise in a range of advanced areasĀ 
Your detailed understanding of technology and advanced problem-solving skills will make you suitable for a range of professional careers and sought-after by employers. The year of study at a university abroad will give you the opportunity to broaden your experience and learning, and strengthen your transferable skills.


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