Computer science atar requirement

  • Computer Bachelor degrees

    Bachelor's in Computer Science: Bachelor of computer science prerequisites include a high school diploma and basic knowledge of math, statistics, and computers.
    Bachelor's in Data Science: In addition to computer science, students learn the mathematical uses of technology required to solve operational problems..

  • Computer Bachelor degrees

    Some core computer science courses you may cover include theory of computation, fundamentals of computer science, compliers and operating systems, information theory, basic programming, systems and architecture, software development and testing, web applications and databases, algorithms and data structures, and .

  • Computer Bachelor degrees

    To be considered for this qualification, applicants must have an Admission Point Score (APS) of at least 26 (with Mathematics or Technical Mathematics) or 28 (with Mathematical Literacy)..

  • Computer Science degrees

    How to Get into a Bachelor of Computer Science at UNSW.
    The ATAR cut off for a Bachelor of Computer Science is an ATAR of 93.
    Even if you don't achieve this ATAR, there are still other ways to get into this course An alternate pathway to this degree is the Faculty of Engineering Admissions Scheme (FEAS)..

  • What is Atar requirement for computer science?

    Guaranteed ATAR: If you receive an ATAR of 70.00 or higher and complete all the requirements for this course, you will be guaranteed an offer..

  • What is the requirements for computer science?

    Bachelor's in Computer Science: Bachelor of computer science prerequisites include a high school diploma and basic knowledge of math, statistics, and computers.
    Bachelor's in Data Science: In addition to computer science, students learn the mathematical uses of technology required to solve operational problems..

Guaranteed ATAR: If you receive an ATAR of 70.00 or higher and complete all the requirements for this course, you will be guaranteed an offer. Early LeadersĀ 


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