Computer security virus

  • 20 examples of computer virus

    Here are some of the reasons why people create computer viruses and other malware, and an explanation of each.

    Damage and chaos. An ego stroke. Monetary or information gain. Stealth. Prevention..

  • 20 examples of computer virus

    The Three Major Types of Computer Viruses

    Macro viruses – These are the largest of the three virus types. Boot record infectors – These viruses are known also as boot viruses or system viruses. File infectors – These viruses target ..

  • 20 examples of computer virus

    A computer virus is a type of malware that attaches to another program (like a document), which can replicate and spread after a person first runs it on their system.
    For instance, you could receive an email with a malicious attachment, open the file unknowingly, and then the computer virus runs on your computer..

  • How can a computer catch a virus?

    How does a computer get a virus? The most common reason your computer will get infected is because you downloaded or installed infected files.
    Pirated media and free games are common culprits, and so are phishing attacks where you click on a bad link, button, or email attachment..

  • How computers can be protected from viruses?

    Antivirus protection scans your files and your incoming email for viruses, and then deletes anything malicious.
    You must keep your antivirus software updated to cope with the latest "bugs" circulating the internet.
    Most antivirus software includes a feature to download updates automatically when you are online..

  • What are 3 computer viruses?

    To help you understand the impact of malware, we've compiled a list of the 10 most dangerous computer malware of all time.

    1. Melissa
    3. Code Red
    4. Klez
    5. Sobig
    6. Mydoom
    7. Sasser
    8. . 8Zeus.

  • What are the 4 types of computer viruses?

    A computer virus is a small software program that spreads from one computer to another and interferes with computer operation.
    A computer virus might corrupt or delete data on a computer, use an email program to spread the virus to other computers, or even delete everything on the hard disk..

  • What can viruses do to a computer?

    A computer virus is a small software program that spreads from one computer to another and interferes with computer operation.
    A computer virus might corrupt or delete data on a computer, use an email program to spread the virus to other computers, or even delete everything on the hard disk..

  • What is computer security virus?

    Definitions: A computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user.
    A virus might corrupt or delete data on a computer, use e-mail programs to spread itself to other computers, or even erase everything on a hard disk.
    See malicious code..

  • What is computer virus with example?

    A computer virus is a type of malware that attaches to another program (like a document), which can replicate and spread after a person first runs it on their system.
    For instance, you could receive an email with a malicious attachment, open the file unknowingly, and then the computer virus runs on your computer..

  • Why protect your computer from viruses?

    Spammers could use your computer as a "zombie drone" to send spam that looks like it came from you.
    Malicious viruses or spyware could be deposited on your computer, slowing it down or destroying files.
    By using safety measures and good practices to protect your devices, you can protect your privacy and your family..

A computer virus is a malicious piece of computer code designed to spread from device to device. A subset of malware, these self-copying threats are usually 
Computer Virus Definition A computer virus is a type of malicious software, or malware, that spreads between computers and causes damage to data and software. Computer viruses aim to disrupt systems, cause major operational issues, and result in data loss and leakage.
Computer security virus
Computer security virus


AIDS is a DOS computer virus which overwrites COM files.

DOS-platform based malware

AI is a computer virus which infects executable files.
The virus is loaded into memory by running an infected file and then modifies the computer's run time operation and corrupts program and overlay files.
It doesn't seem to work with all executables but does reliably infect standard DOS files.
AI adds useless bytes to the end of infected files
Cabir is the name of a computer worm developed in

Cabir is the name of a computer worm developed in

Cabir is the name of a computer worm developed in 2004 that is designed to infect mobile phones running Symbian OS.
It is believed to be the first computer worm that can infect mobile phones.
When a phone is infected with Cabir, the message Caribe is displayed on the phone's display, and is displayed every time the phone is turned on.
The worm then attempts to spread to other phones in the area using wireless Bluetooth signals.
Win32/Simile is a metamorphic computer virus written in assembly language for Microsoft Windows.
The virus was released in its most recent version in early March 2002.
It was written by the virus writer Mental Driller.
Some of his previous viruses, such as Win95/Drill, have proved very challenging to detect.


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