Information security pdf notes

  • How do we secure information?

    11 practical ways to keep your IT systems safe and secure

    1. Back up your data
    2. Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication
    3. Be aware of your surroundings
    4. Be wary of suspicious emails
    5. Install anti-virus and malware protection
    6. Protect your device when it's unattended
    7. Make sure your Wi-Fi connection is secure

  • Information security's primary focus is the balanced protection of data confidentiality, integrity, and availability (also known as the "CIA" triad) while maintaining a focus on efficient policy implementation, all without hampering organization productivity.
Legal Privacy and Ethical Issues in Computer Security: Protecting. Programs and data, Information and the law, Rights of Employees and Employers, Software.

Common ground of physical and information security

Physical information security is the intersection, the common ground between physical security and information security.
It primarily concerns the protection of tangible information-related assets such as computer systems and storage media against physical, real-world threats such as unauthorized physical access, theft, fire and flood.
It typically involves physical controls such as protective barriers and locks, uninterruptible power supplies, and shredders.
Information security controls in the physical domain complement those in the logical domain, and procedural or administrative controls.

Status granted to individuals allowing them access to classified information or to restricted areas

A security clearance is a status granted to individuals allowing them access to classified information or to restricted areas, after completion of a thorough background check.
The term security clearance is also sometimes used in private organizations that have a formal process to vet employees for access to sensitive information.
A clearance by itself is normally not sufficient to gain access; the organization must also determine that the cleared individual needs to know specific information.
No individual is supposed to be granted automatic access to classified information solely because of rank, position, or a security clearance.
Information security pdf notes
Information security pdf notes

Intelligence agency of the Czech Republic

The Security Information Service (BIS), is the primary domestic national intelligence agency of the Czech Republic.
It is responsible for collecting, analyzing, reporting and disseminating intelligence on threats to Czech Republic's national security, and conducting operations, covert and overt, both domestically and abroad.
It also reports to and advises the Government of the Czech Republic on national security issues and situations that threaten the security of the nation.


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