It security quizlet

  • How is it used in security?

    IT security is a set of cybersecurity strategies that prevents unauthorised access to organisational assets such as computers, networks, and data.
    It maintains the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information, blocking the access of sophisticated hackers..

  • What is IT system security?

    The protection of information systems against unauthorized access to or modification of information, whether in storage, processing or transit, and against the denial of service to authorized users, including those measures necessary to detect, document, and counter such threats..

  • What is the concept of IT security?

    IT security is a set of cybersecurity strategies that prevents unauthorized access to organizational assets such as computers, networks, and data.
    It maintains the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information, blocking the access of sophisticated hackers..

  • What is the definition of IT security?

    IT security is the protection of information and especially the processing of information.
    IT security is intended to prevent the manipulation of data and systems by unauthorized third parties..

  • What is the purpose of IT security?

    Information Technology (IT) includes computers and everything that can be done with them.
    IT security is focused on protecting these computers, networks, and other digital systems against cyberattacks and other threats..

  • Why is information technology security important?

    Information security protects your assets
    The increasing dependence on information technology means increased risks - there is a clear increase in incidents such as data breaches, fraud, and the spread of malicious code..

  • There are four types of information technology security you should consider or improve upon:

    Network Security.Cloud Security.Application Security.Internet of Things Security.
  • At a mile-high level, cybersecurity professionals are responsible for protecting IT infrastructure, edge devices, networks, and data.
    More granularly, they are responsible for preventing data breaches and monitoring and reacting to attacks.
  • IT security is a set of cybersecurity strategies that prevents unauthorized access to organizational assets such as computers, networks, and data.
    It maintains the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information, blocking the access of sophisticated hackers.
  • IT security is a set of cybersecurity strategies that prevents unauthorized access to organizational assets such as computers, networks, and data.
    It maintains the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information, blocking the access of sophisticated hackers.
    Watch overview (2:17)
Rating 5.0 (1) A security mechanism that uses information about the physical characteristics of a person to verify the person's identity and then provides access to a computer 
What is security? a. The protection afforded to an automated information system in order to attain the applicable objectives.


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