Computer systems technician networking st clair college

Program Overview. Computer Systems Technicians have the skills to plan, administer, configure and maintain individual and networked computer systems.

How do I log in to St Clair College?

If you have not received this information within 3 business days of your registration, contact the IT Help Desk at 519-972-2727 ext. 2500.
Provide your Name, Student #, phone number and personal email address.
Go to, click on myST.CLAIR at the top of the page.
Log in using your St.
Clair ONE credentials


What does a computer systems technologist do?

This program focuses on advanced computer network administration including:

  • network security.
    Computer systems technologists also have project management, systems analysis and design skills.
    This program will appeal to students with a keen interest in highly complex network systems.
  • ,

    What is a computer systems technician - networking Ontario College Diploma?

    This is just one additional year after completing the Computer Systems Technician - Networking program.
    The two-year Computer Systems Technician - Networking Ontario College Diploma program prepares you for a career in information technology with a focus on network and system administration.


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