Computer vision docking

  • How is computer vision used in space?

    Computer vision monitors the debris and finds ways to reduce it by: Using real-time video analysis to monitor the operational activities of spacecraft.
    Detecting and tracking debris using computer vision models.
    Using pre-trained machine learning models to predict future dangers during missions.Nov 18, 2022.

  • What are the applications of computer vision in space?

    Detecting Space Junk
    Space debris can be old satellites, meteorites, and other things.
    Locating this debris using computer vision technologies can prevent many important problems.
    Also, with real-time inspections, the safety of space exploration teams can be ensured at all times..

  • What is docking in space?

    Docking specifically refers to joining of two separate free-flying space vehicles.
    Berthing refers to mating operations where a passive module/vehicle is placed into the mating interface of another space vehicle by using a robotic arm..

  • Docking specifically refers to joining of two separate free-flying space vehicles.
    Berthing refers to mating operations where a passive module/vehicle is placed into the mating interface of another space vehicle by using a robotic arm.
  • Machine vision systems involve image processing and work on a set of rules and parameters to support manufacturing applications such as quality assurance.
    On the other hand, computer vision refers to the capture and automation of image analysis.
An autonomous spacecraft docking scheme is proposed. Emphasis is on the integration of a computer vision system for obtaining position and orientation 

Does a fully automated UAV-to-UAV mid-air docking system require expensive and complex sensors?

The proposed fully automated UAV-to-UAV mid-air docking system does not require expensive and complex sensors.
A robust bistable docking system is designed and the prototype version of the system is built.
The prototype was evaluated by conducting a dynamic characteristic test.


Is there an automated aerial docking system for unmanned aerial vehicles?

This paper proposes an automated aerial docking system for unmanned aerial vehicles.
The proposed automated aerial docking system consists of the following two subsystems:

  • 1) docking mechanical system and 2) vision-based deep learning detection/tracking system.
  • ,

    What is a docking mechanical system?

    The bistable characteristic of the proposed docking mechanical system supports fast transition between the two equilibrium stable states (locked state and released state), and no external energy is required to maintain the two stable states.
    The proposed docking mechanical system acts as a drogue to lock the probe in the air.


    What is aerial docking system with deep learning based computer vision?

    A robust aerial docking system with deep learning based computer vision is developed.
    The modeling of docking system based on a bi - stable mechanism is derived.
    The performance of developed docking system is experimentally validated.
    Deep learning based single stage real-time object detector is applied.


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