Computer vision lab epfl

  • How many labs does EPFL have?

    EPFL is home to over 500 laboratories and research groups, each working at the forefront of science and technology..

Our long-term goal is to emulate this ability to interpret images and extract from them information about the world around us. More specifically, one important  PeopleResearch AreasStudent ProjectsData

What data sets are available in EPFL-RLC?

EPFL-RLC Multi-Camera Dataset The WILDTRACK Seven-Camera HD Dataset Ski-Pose PTZ-Camera Dataset Texture-less Deformable Surfaces Dataset Ski 2DPose Dataset Road Anomaly Stereo Dislocation dataset Soldiers Tracking Jobs Contact In the same section People Recent Publications All Publications Teaching Student Projects Code Legacy Software Data Jobs .


What does the Computer Vision Laboratory do?

The research activities of the Computer Vision Laboratory focus on shape and motion recovery from images, object and people detection and tracking in video sequences, and analysis of brain microscopy image-stacks.
CVLab also provides undergraduate and graduate teaching and performs technology transfer to both established and start up companies.


When was the International Conference on computer vision held?

International Conference on Computer Vision, Santiago, Chile, December 13-16, 2015. p. 118-126.

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9/ICCV.2015.22. 2015. international conference in Computer Vision, Santiago, Chile, December 13-16, 2015. p. 2974-2982.
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9/ICCV.2015.340. 2015.


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