Computer vision user identification

  • Computer vision algorithms list

    Human presence detection

    1. Radar technology
    2. Image recognition of human shapes
    3. Security switch
    4. Fingerprint sensors
    5. Infrared detectors
    6. Acoustic sensors
    7. Vibration sensors

  • Computer vision algorithms list

    Computers can use digital images and deep learning models to accurately identify and classify objects and react to them.
    Computer vision in AI is dedicated to the development of automated systems that can interpret visual data (such as photographs or motion pictures) in the same manner as people do.Aug 10, 2023.

  • Computer vision books

    People detection uses computer vision to locate humans in videos/images.
    Earlier, low accuracy and false alarms were common issues.
    But, deep learning (AI) has greatly improved results, producing bounding boxes with confidence levels and labels to show person detection in images..

Computer vision algorithms detect facial features in images and compare them with databases of face profiles. Consumer devices use facial recognition to authenticate the identities of their owners.
Computer vision applications use artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) to process this data accurately for object identification and facial recognition, as well as classification, recommendation, monitoring, and detection.
Object recognition is a computer vision technique to identify and locate objects in an image or video. For example, object recognition draws bounding boxes 

Face recognition operations



Input data

Use the following tips to ensure that your input images give the most accurate recognition results:



This article explains the concept of Face recognition, its related operations, and the underlying data structures.
Broadly, face recognition is the act of verifying or identifying individuals by their faces.
Face recognition is important in implementing the identity verification scenario, which enterprises and apps can use to verify that a (remote) user is who they claim to be.


Related data structures

The recognition operations use mainly the following data structures.
These objects are stored in the cloud and can be referenced by their ID strings.
ID strings are always unique within a subscription, but name fields may be duplicated.


What is computer vision?

Computer Vision is a field of study that focuses on creating digital systems that computers can process, analyze and gain high-level understanding from digital images or videos by converting them into arrays of matrixes.


What is face identification & face verification?

Modern enterprises and apps can use the Face identification and Face verification operations to verify that a user is who they claim to be.
Face identification can address "one-to-many" matching of one face in an image to a set of faces in a secure repository.


What is User Vision?

?User Vision is a modular text reader for computer vision developed by User101 with the help of other developers and testers including:

  • Scachi
  • taylor310
  • InterVirus
  • and WONDERwigz78.
    It allows you to SELECT and scan a portion of the screen to detect text then can provide values to your GPC script.

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