Computer-aided joint space analysis

  • Computer-Aided Joint Space Analysis (CAJSA) of the Proximal

    In a healthy joint, space exists between the individual bones that make up the joint.
    Joint space is maintained by tough, smooth articular cartilage that covers the bone surfaces..

  • The usefulness of computer-aided joint space - ResearchGate

    In a healthy joint, space exists between the individual bones that make up the joint.
    Joint space is maintained by tough, smooth articular cartilage that covers the bone surfaces..

  • What is joint space?

    In a healthy joint, space exists between the individual bones that make up the joint.
    Joint space is maintained by tough, smooth articular cartilage that covers the bone surfaces..

  • When joint space narrowing occurs, the cartilage no longer keeps the bones a normal distance apart.
    This can be painful as the bones rub or put too much pressure on each other.
    Joint space narrowing can also be a result of conditions such as osteoarthritis (OA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Objective: Computer-aided joint space analysis (CAJSA) is a newly developed technique for the measurement of radiogeometrically detectable joint space widths of 
The CAJSA method presented a reliable assessment of disease-related joint space narrowing in patients suffering from RA with excellent sensitivity and 

Technique in natural language processing

Latent semantic analysis (LSA) is a technique in natural language processing, in particular distributional semantics, of analyzing relationships between a set of documents and the terms they contain by producing a set of concepts related to the documents and terms.
LSA assumes that words that are close in meaning will occur in similar pieces of text.
A matrix containing word counts per document is constructed from a large piece of text and a mathematical technique called singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to reduce the number of rows while preserving the similarity structure among columns.
Documents are then compared by cosine similarity between any two columns.
Values close to 1 represent very similar documents while values close to 0 represent very dissimilar documents.


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