Computer-assisted volumetric analysis

  • How do you measure subdural hematoma volume?

    A simple bedside estimation method of intracerebral hematoma volume, known as the ABC/2 method, was first applied to measure volumes in thalamic hemorrhage [15, 16].
    Here, the volume of the hematoma is calculated from maximum width (A), length (B), and height (C) using the formula A \xd7 B \xd7 C / 2..

  • What is excellent accuracy of ABC 2 volume formula compared to computer assisted volumetric analysis of subdural hematomas?

    There was an excellent correlation between computer-assisted volumetric measurement and ABC/2 (R2 = 0.947, p\x26lt;0.0001) and no undesirable deviation and trend were detected (p = 0.101; p = 0.777).
    A 95% tolerance region of the ratios of both methods was [0.805–1.201]..

  • What is the ABC 2 method?

    Methods The formula ABC/2 was used, where A is the greatest hemorrhage diameter by CT, B is the diameter 90\xb0 to A, and C is the approximate number of CT slices with hemorrhage multiplied by the slice thickness..

  • What is the abc2 method?

    Methods The formula ABC/2 was used, where A is the greatest hemorrhage diameter by CT, B is the diameter 90\xb0 to A, and C is the approximate number of CT slices with hemorrhage multiplied by the slice thickness..

  • A simple bedside estimation method of intracerebral hematoma volume, known as the ABC/2 method, was first applied to measure volumes in thalamic hemorrhage [15, 16].
    Here, the volume of the hematoma is calculated from maximum width (A), length (B), and height (C) using the formula A \xd7 B \xd7 C / 2.
  • There was an excellent correlation between computer-assisted volumetric measurement and ABC/2 (R2 = 0.947, p\x26lt;0.0001) and no undesirable deviation and trend were detected (p = 0.101; p = 0.777).
    A 95% tolerance region of the ratios of both methods was [0.805–1.201].
The ABC/2 method accurately and quickly estimates smaller, ellipsoid intraparenchymal hematomas but is inaccurate for larger, complex-shaped 


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