Computing and information systems greenwich

  • What is Computing and information systems?

    Computer information systems applies technology to manage data and allow it to be transferred between computers connected to the same network.
    While studying the field, students learn how to support businesses in handling how data is gathered, stored and used..

  • What is MSc Computing and information systems?

    The MSc in Computing (Information Systems Processes) programme is designed to enhance the participants' ability to contribute to the digital transformation of organisations across a range of industries..

  • Although similar, computer information systems and computer science are distinct fields.
    Depending on your interests and professional goals, CIS or CS careers might be a better fit.
    CS tend to be more technical, whereas CIS focuses more on practical applications.
  • The general focuses of CS and CIS differ from each other because CS focuses on how to create computer systems and CIS focuses on how businesses can best use those systems to their advantage.
This MSc in Computing and Information Systems is designed to meet those needs. You'll explore software tools and techniques and systems modelling, alongside options that range from data warehousing and project management to developing mobile apps.

What can I do with a MSc in Computing & Information Systems?

There is an increasing need within the computer science industry for professionals in business analysis, web design, system development and project management, as well as IT support and training.
This MSc in Computing and Information Systems is designed to meet those needs.


What can I do with a work placement at University of Greenwich?

By undertaking a work placement, you'll discover what it takes to pursue a role within information systems security and IT management The University of Greenwich has a long-standing relationship with the British Computer Society (BCS), which accredits our computing degree programmes.


Who accredits the University of Greenwich?

The University of Greenwich has a long-standing relationship with the British Computer Society (BCS), which accredits our computing degree programmes.
As this programme was extensively updated in 2019, it has a current designation of Initial Full Chartered Information Technology Professional (CITP) accreditation for the 2019 intake.


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