Computer information on desktop

  • computer

    The most common configuration has a case that houses the power supply, motherboard (a printed circuit board with a microprocessor as the central processing unit, memory, bus, certain peripherals and other electronic components), disk storage (usually one or more hard disk drives, solid state drives, optical disc drives .

  • How do I find my PC information?

    Here's how to find computer specs in Windows Settings:

    1. Click the Windows icon in the lower-left.
    2. Then, click Settings (the gear icon).
    3. Click System
    4. Now click About.
    5. It's on the left-side navigation and you may have to scroll.
    6. An information screen will display letting you review your computer specs

  • How do I show my computer details on my desktop?

    To check your PC hardware specs, click on the Windows Start button, then click on Settings (the gear icon).
    In the Settings menu, click on System.
    Scroll down and click on About.
    On this screen, you should see specs for your processor, Memory (RAM), and other system info, including Windows version..

  • How do I show PC details on my desktop?

    To check your PC hardware specs, from the desktop find the icon that is labeled “My Computer”.
    Right-click on this and select Properties.
    A window should appear summarizing your PC hardware specs including processor, Memory (RAM), and other system info, including Windows version..

  • How do I show System Information on my desktop Windows 11?

    Using System Information
    Step 1: Use the Windows search bar to look for MSInfo.
    Step 2: That will bring up a list that should show a link to the System Information App.
    Select it.
    You'll be able to see the build of Windows 11 you're running, the System model, the Processor, BIOS version, RAM, virtual memory, and more..

  • How do I use computer details?

    How to use a computer

    1. Different types of computers
    2. Understanding the computer
    3. Setup computer
    4. Keyboard and mouse basics
    5. Understanding the operating system
    6. Create user account
    7. Installing, running, and uninstalling a program
    8. Creating, saving, and opening files

  • What is BG info on a PC?

    If you manage multiple computers you probably need BGInfo.
    It automatically displays relevant information about a Windows computer on the desktop's background, such as the computer name, IP address, service pack version, and more.Sep 29, 2022.

  • What is found on the desktop of a computer?

    A desktop is a computer display area that represents the kinds of objects found on top of a physical desk, including documents, phone books, telephones, reference sources, writing and drawing tools, and project folders..

  • A desktop computer is a personal computing device designed to fit on top of a typical office desk.
    It houses the physical hardware that makes a computer run and connects to input devices such as the monitor, keyboard and mouse users interact with.
  • A desktop is a big and heavy physical computer unit placed on the office desk that constitutes a monitor, a CPU, the keyboard and a mouse.
    The desktop is always connected to the mains so that it remains powered.
    Manufactured for the purpose of regular use from one location, desktops cannot be easily ported.
Jan 21, 2019Display your computer information on desktop: Use the link to download the info: 
Duration: 4:15
Posted: Jan 21, 2019
Type info in the search box on your taskbar, and then select System Information.

How do I get the 'this PC' icon on my Desktop?

Select "Computer" from the listed options and then click "Apply" to add it to your desktop.
The My Computer icon was a fixture on Windows desktops for decades, but it was removed and renamed with the introduction of Windows 10.
Now properly called "This PC," the icon must be added back manually.
Here's how to get the This PC icon on your desktop.


How to add PC info to Windows 11 desktop?

You can add PC info to Windows 11’s desktop with those programs as outlined below.
O&O DeskInfo is a freeware app that adds both system specification and utilization info to the Windows desktop.
It provides full OS, RAM, processor, computer name, GPU, and system architecture information.

Feature of Internet Explorer 4.0's Windows Desktop Update

Active Desktop was a feature of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0's optional Windows Desktop Update that allowed users to add HTML content to the desktop, along with some other features.
This function was intended to be installed on the then-current Windows 95 operating system.
It was also included in Windows 98 and later Windows operating systems up through 32-bit XP, but was absent from XP Professional x64 Edition and all subsequent versions of Windows.
Its status on XP 64-bit edition and on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Server 2003 is not widely known.
This corresponded to version Internet Explorer 4.0 to 6.x, but not Internet Explorer 7.
Computer information on desktop
Computer information on desktop

Proprietary bit-serial peripheral bus

Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) is a proprietary bit-serial peripheral bus connecting low-speed devices to computers.
It was introduced on the Apple IIGS in 1986 as a way to support low-cost devices like keyboards and mice, allowing them to be connected together in a daisy chain without the need for hubs or other devices.
Apple Desktop Bus was quickly introduced on later Macintosh models, on later models of NeXT computers, and saw some other third-party use as well.
Like the similar PS/2 connector used in many PC-compatibles at the time, Apple Desktop Bus was rapidly replaced by USB as that system became popular in the late 1990s; the last external Apple Desktop Bus port on an Apple product was in 1999, though it remained as an internal-only bus on some Mac models into the 2000s.
The Desktop Management Interface (DMI) generates a standard framework for managing and tracking components in a desktop, notebook or server computer, by abstracting these components from the software that manages them.
The development of DMI, 2.0 version June 24, 1998, marked the first move by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) into desktop-management standards.
Before the introduction of DMI, no standardized source of information could provide details about components in a personal computer.

Computer interface design concept

In computer science, the semantic desktop is a collective term for ideas related to changing a computer's user interface and data handling capabilities so that data are more easily shared between different applications or tasks and so that data that once could not be automatically processed by a computer could be.
It also encompasses some ideas about being able to share information automatically between different people.
This concept is very much related to the Semantic Web, but is distinct insofar as its main concern is the personal use of information.


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