Computer virus information

  • 20 examples of computer virus

    A computer virus is a type of malicious software, or malware, that infects computers and corrupts their data and software.
    Worm, ILOVEYOU, SQL Slammer, Stuxnet, CryptoLocker, Tinba, Welchia, and Shlayer are some examples of computer viruses..

  • How are computer viruses found?

    Most modern antivirus programs try to find virus-patterns inside ordinary programs by scanning them for so-called virus signatures.
    Different antivirus programs will employ different search methods when identifying viruses..

  • How are computer viruses written?

    Script viruses/malware are viruses/malware written in script programming languages, such as Visual Basic Script and JavaScript and are usually embedded in HTML documents..

  • Malicious software examples

    Common Types of Computer Viruses

    Resident Virus.
    Resident viruses set up shop in your RAM and meddle with your system operations. Multipartite Virus. Direct Action. Browser Hijacker. Overwrite Virus. Web Scripting Virus. File Infector. Network Virus..

  • What can a computer virus be used for?

    What does a computer virus do? Some computer viruses are programmed to harm your computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard drive.
    Others simply replicate themselves or flood a network with traffic, making it impossible to perform any internet activity..

  • What causes computer viruses?

    Here are some of the common causes of computer viruses: Opening suspicious email attachments.
    Attaching unsecured removable or external storage devices (e.g., flash drives, external hard drives, memory cards) Accessing malicious websites..

  • What is a computer virus your answer?

    A computer virus is a type of malware that attaches to another program (like a document), which can replicate and spread after a person first runs it on their system.
    For instance, you could receive an email with a malicious attachment, open the file unknowingly, and then the computer virus runs on your computer..

  • What is a type of computer virus?

    A computer virus is a type of malicious software, or malware, that infects computers and corrupts their data and software.
    Worm, ILOVEYOU, SQL Slammer, Stuxnet, CryptoLocker, Tinba, Welchia, and Shlayer are some examples of computer viruses..

  • What is computer virus short information?

    A computer virus is a type of malicious software, or malware, that spreads between computers and causes damage to data and software.
    Computer viruses aim to disrupt systems, cause major operational issues, and result in data loss and leakage..

  • What is virus in information security?

    A computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user.
    A virus might corrupt or delete data on a computer, use e-mail programs to spread itself to other computers, or even erase everything on a hard disk..

  • Common Types of Computer Viruses

    Resident Virus.
    Resident viruses set up shop in your RAM and meddle with your system operations. Multipartite Virus. Direct Action. Browser Hijacker. Overwrite Virus. Web Scripting Virus. File Infector. Network Virus.
A computer virus is a type of malicious software, or malware, that spreads between computers and causes damage to data and software. Computer viruses aim to disrupt systems, cause major operational issues, and result in data loss and leakage.
A computer virus is a type of malware that attaches to another program (like a document), which can replicate and spread after a person first runs it on their system. For instance, you could receive an email with a malicious attachment, open the file unknowingly, and then the computer virus runs on your computer.
Computer viruses typically attach to an executable host file, which results in their viral codes executing when a file is opened. The code then spreads from the document or software it is attached to via networks, drives, file-sharing programs, or infected email attachments.

IBM PC DOS computer file virus

1260, or V2PX, was a demonstration computer virus written in 1989 by Mark Washburn that used a form of polymorphic encryption.
Derived from Ralf Burger's publication of the disassembled Vienna Virus source code, the 1260 added a cipher and varied its signature by randomizing its decryption algorithm.
Both the 1260 and Vienna infect .COM files in the current or PATH directories upon execution.
Changing an authenticated executable file is detected by most modern computer operating systems.
Computer virus information
Computer virus information

DOS computer virus and malware

The Cascade virus is a prominent computer virus that was a resident written in assembly language, that was widespread in the 1980s and early 1990s.
It infected .COM files and had the effect of making text on the screen fall down and form a heap at the bottom of the screen.
It was notable for using an encryption algorithm to avoid being detected.
However, one could see that infected files had their size increased by 1701 or 1704 bytes.
In response, IBM developed its own antivirus software.
The Mutant Virus: Crisis in a Computer World

The Mutant Virus: Crisis in a Computer World

1992 video game

The Mutant Virus: Crisis in a Computer World is an NES video game produced by ASC Games.
It was made in April 1992.


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