Any information that comes out of a computer

  • How do we get information from computers?

    Output: Information for the User.
    As we have seen, computer output takes the form of screen or printer output.
    Other forms of output include voice, microfilm, and various forms of graphics output.
    A computer system often is designed to produce several kinds of output..

  • What does a computer give out information through?

    Output is where the computer takes the pixels from the processing stage and displays them in a way that the user can see them.
    There are many kinds of output devices, such as printers, screens, video and audio devices..

  • What information comes out of computer?

    Any information processed by and sent out from a computer or other electronic device is considered output.
    An example of output is anything viewed on your computer monitor screen, such as the words you type on your keyboard..

  • What is computer information called?

    When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data..

  • What is giving information to the computer called?

    Data going into the computer is called Input .
    Whatever goes into the computer.
    Input can take a variety of forms, from commands you enter from the keyboard to data from another computer or device.
    A device that feeds data into a computer, such as a keyboard or mouse, is called an input device..

  • What is known as the information that you get from the computer?

    When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data..

  • What is the information that comes out of a computer?

    Information received from a computer is referred to as "data".
    The term "data" refers to raw, unprocessed information that can be processed and analyzed to extract meaningful insights and knowledge..

  • What is the information we get from the computer?

    Information received from a computer is referred to as "data"..

  • What is used to get information out of a computer?

    An output device is a piece of computer equipment that receives data from one source and converts it into another form.
    Depending on their function, output devices can transform data into various other forms such as audio, visual or physical copy..

  • An output device is a piece of computer equipment that receives data from one source and converts it into another form.
    Depending on their function, output devices can transform data into various other forms such as audio, visual or physical copy.
  • Digital data is data transmitted in discrete sequences.
    Digital data is used for computers and electronic devices for things such as images, files, audio, video, text, and graphics.
Answer: Output is usable information; that is, raw input data that has been processed by the computer into information. The most common forms of output are words, numbers, and graphics. Word output, for example, may be the letters and memos prepared by office people using word processing software.
Output: What Comes Out Output is usable information; that is, raw input data that has been processed by the computer into information. The most common forms of output are words, numbers, and graphics. Word output, for example, may be the letters and memos prepared by office people using word processing software.

Do you know what's in your computer?


  • If you built your PC
  • odds are good that you know what’s in it.
    Or, at least, you have a general idea—and might only need a refresher about specific model numbers from time to time.
    If you bought a prebuilt desktop or laptop, you’ve probably long since forgotten what’s inside.
  • ,

    What are the different types of computers?

    Many people use desktop computers at work, home, and school.
    Desktop computers are designed to be placed on a desk, and they're typically made up of a few different parts, including:

  • the computer case
  • monitor
  • keyboard
  • and mouse.
    The second type of computer you may be familiar with is a laptop computer, commonly called a laptop.

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