Computer for information

  • How can computer be used as a source of information?

    Computer has become one of the most important sources of knowledge, as the computer is connected to the Internet and browsing all sources of science and knowledge, whether written, audio or visual, and they can be downloaded onto the computer and find it at any time..

  • Types of computer

    Before a computer can process anything, data must receive input.
    For example, typing on a keyboard can enter input into the computer.
    As you input information into the computer, at the lowest level, all the computer understands is binary language (0's and 1's)..

  • What is a CIS in computer?

    Computer information systems applies technology to manage data and allow it to be transferred between computers connected to the same network.
    While studying the field, students learn how to support businesses in handling how data is gathered, stored and used..

  • What is information computer called?

    When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data..

How do people use computers?

They also store and display data.
People use computers every day at work, at school, and at home.
Computers are used in factories to control how things are made and in offices to keep records.
People also use computers for sending e-mail, writing reports, shopping, banking, listening to music, and playing games.


What is computer information?

Computer information is also called data.
Computers can process huge amounts of data very quickly.
They also store and display data.
People use computers every day at work, at school, and at home.
Computers are used in factories to control how things are made and in offices to keep records.


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