How many households have computers

  • How many households have a computer?

    Among all households in 2018, 92% had at least one type of computer and 85% had a broadband internet subscription.
    The ACS considers desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones as computers, along with selected computing technologies such as smart home devices and single-board computers.Apr 21, 2021.

  • What percentage of households had a computer?

    StateTotal number of householdsHouseholds with computer (including smartphone)1United States121,520,20091.8Alabama1,855,20087.6Alaska254,50095.5.

  • What percentage of the world uses PC?

    For the above devices, smartphones and other pocket-sized devices make up 58%, desktops and laptops 40%, and tablets 2.0%.
    Smartphones have the most use in virtually all countries, including in the US at 51%, with PC operating systems (including Windows) down to 46%..

How has the share of households with a computer changed over time?

In general, the share of households with a computer has steadily increased worldwide as computer usage and internet access is becoming more prevalent around the world.
As the share of households with a PC has been on the rise, so too were global PC unit sales have in recent years.


How many connected devices do Americans have?

According to a 2020 survey, the average American had access to more than ten connected devices in their household.
People had access to more than two computers on average and more than two mobile phones in the evaluated period.
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How many people have a computer at home?

In 2019, almost half of private households worldwide were estimated to have a computer at home.
In developing countries, the PC penetration rate is lower with around a third of households having a computer.
In contrast the share of households with a personal computer in developed countries was closer to 80 percent.


Which computing technology is considered a computer?

The ACS considers desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones as computers, along with selected computing technologies such as:

  • smart home devices and single-board computers.
    Smartphone ownership surpassed ownership of all other computing devices.
    Smartphones were present in 84% of households, while 78% of households owned a desktop or laptop.

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